Das Kulturbüro ist vom 23.12.2024 bis einschließlich 06.01.2025 geschlossen. Ab dem 07.01.2025 sind wir wieder für Sie da!

Data notification for the Culture Night 2024

During the Culture Night, artists from the region have the opportunity to present their works at various stations throughout the city and its districts. Music, dance, literature, exhibitions and much more await all culture-loving night owls.

Would you like to take part? After your written registration for the 19th Culture Night on
2 October 2024, you can use this contact form to submit your data to the Cultural Office for the printed program and the online presence of the Kulturnacht. Please note that the program booklet will be redesigned and more extensive information on artists and performances will be presented on the culture homepage.

Registration and editorial deadline is 04.08.2024.

Dates for the printed program of the Culture Night 2024

    Headline: (max. 30 characters)
    (e.g. studio name, association or name of the artist)

    Subhead: (max. 36 characters)

    Continuous text incl. Biography: (max. 700 characters)



    Performance times: (max. 50 characters)
    (If more space is required, please insert the times in the continuous text).


    Street, no:


    Art direction:


    Picture 1:

    Upload image: jpg or tif/cross format/size: from 3 MB (300 dpi)

    The following data will not be published, they are used for comparison with the registration received.

    If you have not yet registered, please contact the cultural office. Data reports without prior registration cannot be considered.

    First name:

