Federal Art Prize for people with disabilities
About the Federal Art Prize for People with Disabilities
The Federal Art Prize for People with Disabilities has been awarded by the town of Radolfzell every two years since 1978. It is aimed at artists from all over Germany with a degree of disability of at least 80 percent – mental, physical or psychological. The award is unique in Germany and has already helped over 6,800 works of art to gain public recognition over the past 44 years.
Further information
The Federal Art Prize offers a unique framework in Germany for the appreciation and public expression of artists with disabilities. Works of high artistic quality and the people behind them thus gain recognition and visibility in our diverse society.
Federal Art Prize for People with Disabilities 2022
The exhibition for the 23rd Federal Art Award with Disability 2022 has been open since September 18, 2022. An independent jury selected 100 pictures for the exhibition, including the 15 award winners.
You can find the flyer for the exhibition here Flyer Federal Art Prize 2022
The award ceremony took place on September 18, 2022. A big thank you to all the participating artists.
We are delighted that Dr. Lina Seitzl, Member of the Bundestag, is this year’s patron of the Federal Art Prize and would like to thank her and all the supporters and sponsors involved.
Greetings from Dr. Lina Seitzl, Member of the Bundestag

Dr. Lina Seitzl, Member of the Bundestag, SPD. Copyright: photothek.net
“I am delighted that the Federal Art Prize for People with Disabilities has been awarded in Radolfzell since 1978. As patron, I would like to thank all the artists involved for their valuable contribution to the cultural landscape. With this award, which is unique in Germany, the town of Radolfzell is making a valuable contribution to social participation. After all, art and culture serve to express oneself and convey emotions. Bringing the expression of these emotions to the general public with the Federal Art Prize is inclusion in action.”
Greetings from the Mayor of Radolfzell, Simon Gröger

Simon Gröger, Lord Mayor of the town of Radolfzell on Lake Constance
(Photo by Thomas Niedermueller / www.niedermueller.de)
“The Federal Art Prize for People with Disabilities is a flagship for inclusion and a social exclamation mark. He makes it clear that everyone is equal in art. In addition, the accompanying exhibition will once again transform the Villa Bosch into a beacon in the art scene, providing valuable inspiration. I would like to thank all the artists involved for giving us an insight into their creativity. The Federal Art Prize offers them a prestigious platform for their works – and visitors a unique artistic experience.”
The award winners
1st prize winner Wilma Keulertz
“Christmas scare”
“I am a furrier, so I learned to paint and draw. Animals and landscapes have fascinated me ever since. I moved to Cologne in 2019. Despite paralysis in my right hand, I started painting again. Corona broke out shortly afterwards. During this time, I created the painting of the forest. Eerie, fearful eyes peering out of the darkness: The Christmas Horror 2021.”
With the kind support of
2nd prize winner Milena Kirtschig
– Art Inclusive – Tübingen City Museum 2021
– See, Bach – artistic variations – Kulturhalle
Tübingen 2018 and Bachhaus Eisenach 2019
– KunsTräume – Canteen of the tax office
Reutlingen 2017
– A matter of opinion – Art in dialog part 3 – Art in
of the Glass Hall (Tübingen District Office) 2016/17
With the kind support of
3rd prize winner Marc Türksch
“Secret messages”
His pictures develop like a kind of composition of lines and shapes. Every surface is an invitation on which he spreads out with lines that come together. He joyfully searches for a way to do it and how it is connected. All artistic avenues are open to his curiosity and enthusiasm.
With the kind support of
4th prize winner Christel Steinert
“Blue Mountains”
“As much as my body restricts me in life, I appreciate the freedom in art all the more. The freedom that I experience in art reconciles me a little with the limitations that my body imposes on me. That’s why art, with its various forms of expression, is so valuable to me and an important part of my life.”
With the kind support of
5th prize winner Nora
“After I almost lost my life in a car accident in 2003, I rebuilt a new one in art. I have been working as an artist in the Freistil studio since 2010. At first I liked to paint portraits there. But I don’t want to commit myself to that. I really enjoy creating new motifs from existing patches of color, which I then transfer to canvas in oil.
I also devote a lot of time to art in my private life.”
With the kind support of
6th prize winner Claudia Fuchs
She says of her sculpture Lizard:
“She’s really colorful, just as she should be. She looks at you cute with one eye. I was glad that I chose these colors because they create so many effects. When I’ve finished making pottery, I take a look at the creature and if the shape isn’t right, I throw it away straight away or try again to make something new.”
With the kind support of
7th prize winner Benjamin Kölbel
“Pippi Longstocking”
– Art Inclusive – Tübingen City Museum 2021 and
Café Sozial of the City of Tübingen 2022
– Participation in cartoon design for the
Tübingen City Museum 2019/20
– See, Bach – Visual variations – Culture –
halle Tübingen 2018 and Bachhaus Eisenach 2019
– Three-time winner of writing competition en
from the word finders
With the kind support of
8th prize winner Andreas Fink
“Elephant family”
Andreas Fink’s motto in life is: “I actually get through life well.”
He regularly takes part in competitions and exhibitions with his works of art. He regularly wins prizes for his artworks at the Lothar Spät Förderpreis and the Ermutigung in Fürstenwalde / Spree.
With the kind support of
9th prize winner Simon Weigt
When asked: “Simon, what are you painting?”, he usually answers: “A work of art.” What stands out is not only the unusually strong reduction of forms, which sometimes culminates in the abstract, but also the lavish application of color and the way in which this is achieved. The bright colors in his paintings reflect Simon’s always friendly disposition. Certainly one reason why one of his favorite motifs is the sun.
With the kind support of
10th prize winner Athina Efthimiadou
“Coral’s love”
“What does art mean to you, Ms. Efthimiadou?” – “Everything!”
Athina Efthimiadou only discovered painting after her stroke. Since then, she has found it difficult to speak. When her daughter encouraged her to take up art, it became a language for her.
With the kind support of
11th prize winner Daniel Odenthal
His motto in life is: “First approach things carefully, then I’ll take the plunge.”
In addition to drawing and painting, he also enjoys making collages. In 2006 he was nominated for the Lothar Spät Award with his picture Zebra and in 2009 for the 1st Design Competition
for people with disabilities in Cologne for its angel cards. He regularly takes part in various competitions.
With the kind support of
12th prize winner Cemile Öztürk
“I came to Germany as a child and often think of Istanbul. I was born in a village. There were apples there that looked beautiful (…).
We had a yellow house in the village in Turkey. I think of the breakfast there and the trees. The sheets in the house are purple. The sofa is blue and we drink tea with the whole family.”
All colors can be found in her paintings.
With the kind support of
13th prize winner Johanna Schmelzer
“From above”
A few years ago, she used different colored pencils to make small dots, which she placed very close together.
If her pencil was then dull, she used a different color. In the meantime, Johanna Schmelzer has switched to painting a long line and then making short strokes along it. When she paints, she is concentrated and completely with herself.
With the kind support of
14th prizewinner Ella Kaune
“Karla Kolumna”
Ella Kaune is a big Mickey Mouse fan. She mixes watercolors and acrylics in an unconventional way,
chalk and wax crayons together and creates works of high density and expressiveness. She works serially on themes. She finds ideas for her work in television series.
An important component is the inscription and signature, which appear to be woven into the picture and give the viewer clues as to the subject of the picture.
With the kind support of
15th prizewinner Rita Borchert
“By the lake”
Rita Borchert paints her pictures very delicately in pencil. Her ideas come spontaneously or through looking at various print media, such as art or photo books. “RIBO” plays with colors, experiments and dares to structure large surfaces by adding layer upon layer of color. She uses various painting media, such as acrylic, wax crayons and watercolors.
With the kind support of
Other participants in the exhibition
Monir Chaatouf
Agop Talsik
Tanja Walser
Renate Ill
Wolfgang Schmidt
Manoocher Khoshbakht
Valeria Sachs
Pascal Grenzer
Reinhard Hanke
Robin Wurster
Günther Tomschi
Franziska Fiedler
Efklia Grigoriadou
Pantelis Paltoglou
David Metzger
Björn Heim
Rosemarie Hübner
Andreas Kretz
Michaela Mondelo
Michael Preiß
Hans Schön
Silja Korn
Surekha Morian
Claudia Wild
Alexandra Horn
Daniel Heller
Sarah Weber
Katja Fox
Sven Metzger
Jennifer Westerkofort
Robert Beierer
Andrea Fuchs
Klaus Dieter Rothe
Jost van Aaaken
Nicole Conrads
Kerstin Brauchle
Gabriele Klapper
Gisela Schruf
Marco Müller
Peter Coleman
Gisela Schöpplein
Sevda Karakus
Lars Höllerer
Mirjam Buncsak
Birgitta Aigner
Peter Beilstein
Lukasz Loska
Petra Griesert
Dominik Strubel
Charlotte Bosch-Krauß
Oliver Rincke
Franz-Josef Dosot
Dietrich Bratz
Norbert Strecker
Jürgen Knevels
Stefan Plümmer
Sven Paulke
Katrin Fuchs
Adrian Mörtz
Pratheepan Vimalesvaran
Marina Markgraf
Rudolf Baumgärtner
Jürgen Broghammer
Jörn Uwe Kozielski
Maria Stirner
Detlev von Dossow
Marianne Tschugg
Anna-Magdalena Strutz
Bruna-Manuela Schneider
Gerd Schrade
Ongun Tomar
Suzy van Zehlendorf
Till Kalischer
Dirk Krüger
Gerd Herm
Kai Ben Riemer
Thomas Rueß
Klaus Dieter Digel
Gerhard Beutelspacher
Albert Biesinger
Friederike Limbach
Juliane Amann
Louis Edler